How to Stay Healthy While Traveling
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

No one wants their vacation ruined by getting sick, but unfortunately, it’s easy to do when you’re constantly on the go. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to stay healthy while traveling. Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy and enjoy your trip!

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1) Ensure Your Health Insurance Covers You Internationally

Ensure your health insurance includes the costs of health treatments and emergencies abroad. Upgrade your health insurance or consider buying travel insurance before your trip. Having coverage while traveling is key to staying healthy while traveling, especially during a pandemic.

2) Make Time for Exercise

The health and fitness goals you have set for yourself will travel with you. I always bring my apple watch or Fitbit watch on trips. Especially if I am going on a long trip or if I don’t know how much fitness equipment will be available. It’s not easy to work out while traveling so my best tip is to add it into your schedule like an appointment or exercise class you can’t miss.

Pro Tip: If finding the motivation to work out while traveling is the issue, attend a workout class or follow a workout video on youtube to encourage you!

3) Research The Food in Your Destination

The healthiest food options from local restaurants and grocery stores can be found online. Check out websites to research restaurants or supermarkets that serve food that meets your goals. Knowing your food options ahead of time is key to staying healthy while traveling.

4) Ride a Bike or Walk Often

The healthiest way to travel in a new city is to ride a bike. Any place you want to go can be easily reached by getting on your bike and riding for 20 minutes. It is amazing how much you can see when wandering by foot or bicycle! This is also a great way to save money on ride services or taxis. Bikes can be rented for the whole day and can also allow you the opportunity to walk more often.

Pro Tip: Make a meal plan before traveling to stick to your diet goals and avoid temptation.

healthy while traveling

5) Prescription Medicine

It’s easy to forget prescription medicine in your suitcase when you are traveling. My best tip is to leave a small container of medicine in your suitcases at all times or a list to help you remember while packing. In case, you react negatively to food in your destination be prepared by packing Pepto Bismol, vitamins, laxatives, and more.

6) Sunscreen and Aloe Vera

If the healthiest way to travel is by bike, then the healthiest sunscreen to pack is an oil-free sunscreen block. This allows you to reapply often without greasing up. Set alarms to remind yourself to reapply sunscreen, but in case you forget, pack lots of aloe vera to ease the burns.

Pro Tip: Block or spray sunscreen is the easiest to apply while on the road.

healthy while traveling

7) Drink Lots of Water

Before you go anywhere, drink a cup of water and pack a water bottle for the road. This makes it easier to drink more on the road and stay hydrated as soon as you get to your destination. Don’t buy expensive bottled water! Filter your own water at home and bring a refillable bottle with you instead. A great way to get motivated to drink more water is this gallon water bottle with time markers as seen on Amazon.

8) Get Enough Sleep

Take a few minutes before bed to breathe, meditate, or do some light stretching. Ensure you have a sleep mask or melatonin to help you sleep on planes or long train rides. Especially if you plan on taking long flights which can be exhausting. The more sleep you can get, the more energy you can have for all the activities planned.

Pro Tip: Pack earplugs or a white noise app to help you sleep if sleeping on planes is difficult.

healthy while traveling

9) Pack Some Healthy Snacks

Traveling with your health goals in mind means packing healthy snacks with you to avoid impulsive purchases. If your trip is for a week or more, pack foods that are high in protein to keep you full for longer. You don’t want to be forced into buying unhealthy foods on long days or layovers at airports. Bring trail mix and protein bars for energy boosts.

10) Vitamins or Supplements

Remember to bring any vitamins or health supplements you might need for health conditions such as migraine headaches, joint health, and more. Be sure they are labeled properly to not confuse medications! Make sure to check the rules in your destination for all medication you would like to pack before you leave.

healthy while traveling


From the food to the environment, traveling is challenging for your health and fitness routine. Thankfully, there are many ways you can keep up with your normal diet while on vacation. The key is understanding how different foods affect your body in a new way or where it might be difficult to find enough exercise time. I have come up with 10 tips that will help make sure you stay healthy during any trip abroad so you can stick to your goals. What’s one tip from this article that has helped you maintain your typical fitness routine? When was the last time you traveled outside of the country? What challenges did you face when adjusting back to life at home after being gone for months or years? Follow our Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter pages for more travel tips.