Travel Advice for Backpacking in Europe
Travel Advice for Backpacking in Europe

Travel Advice for Backpacking in Europe

No doubt you’ve been dreaming of backpacking through Europe for years. And now that you finally have the chance, you’re looking for advice on how to make the most of your trip. Well, look no further! Here are some tips to help you get started. First, be sure to budget properly and plan out your expenses. Next, research your destinations and choose wisely – some places are more expensive than others. And finally, pack lightly and bring only what you need. With these tips in mind, you’re ready to explore all that Europe has to offer!

European countries vary greatly from one another, so it’s important to know what each country is like before arriving. For example, two of the most popular European cities include London and Paris – but they couldn’t be more different! If you’re going to London, expect crowded streets filled with people rushing everywhere – that may include rude, stuck-up British people. On the other hand, if you’re going to Paris, it is expected for everything go slower – including their speech! People tend to be friendlier as well. You will find yourself surrounded by beautiful scenery and architecture as well.


Save your Money

The best way to get around the cities is on foot. If you’re not sure where you’re going, ask a local for directions (easy), or use your smartphone map app (even easier). And if everyone is speaking too quickly, simply find someone that speaks English or don’t be shy to ask them to repeat themselves more slowly! Traveling in larger European countries like this can be more expensive than others – so avoid using taxis as much as possible. Walking or taking the bus are your best options. A safer option is using Uber, which allows you to request transportation with just a few taps on your phone!

  • Pro tip: Europe uses 220V voltage with round prongs, so bring an adapter or converter. You won’t want to try to plug something into a 220V socket with a 110V plug – it will fry your device!

But if you do happen to get food poisoning while backpacking through Europe…two words: European doctors. They are well known for being friendly (if not a little rushed). And they’ll prescribe medications for you over the counter, so you don’t have to worry about finding a pharmacy.

However, European hospitals are another story… As mentioned before, European doctors are great. But European hospitals can be very different than what you’re used to. For example, European hospitals typically aren’t open 24/7 like American ones (except for in France), and they’re not always comfortable either (we’ll get into that later). And European hospitals may or may not accept foreign insurance. So it’s important to know ahead of time if your health care coverage will work when traveling abroad!


Protect your Valuables

You should also check European tourist attractions beforehand to make sure there’s no unusual security measures (e.g. metal detectors, bag searches). If you plan to go backpacking during the European winter, pack a thick jacket and some winter boots. And European weather is known to fluctuate – so plan accordingly!

You should also research local safety standards, especially when visiting more dangerous areas in Europe. Do your research online before making any trips outside of the city! But safety tips from backpacking Europeans? Don’t leave any valuable items visible in your car when you park it somewhere. That’s just inviting thieves over…which isn’t good for anyone involved. Instead, try leaving things at home or in the hotel’s safe if possible.


And one last thing: Europeans typically drink alcohol straight, which can be intimidating for some people backpacking in Europe. You may want to try ordering drinks that are mixed with juice (and not just alcohol). And do you know what drink is very popular in Europe? Sangria! It’s made out of wine, sugar, and fruit – sounds like a fun drink, doesn’t it?!

And Europeans aren’t as punctual as Americans (at least the British and Spanish aren’t) – expect everyone to arrive late to things! This also includes trains, which might make you miss your final destination if you don’t check their time table beforehand.

Eating out or Eating in?

Food is very important when backpacking, but you can’t miss out on local cuisine – right?! You might want to try everything…and that’s okay. However, try not to eat street food as much as possible, as the safety standards may not be what you’re used to. Instead, go into restaurants or cafes and check their reviews online before entering. If you have dietary restrictions, bring your own snacks from home just in case.



We hope this article has given you some helpful tips for planning your next backpacking trip. If you’re still unsure about what to bring or how much money to take, leave a comment below. Our Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter pages is also full of great articles and advice from other travelers with more experience than us! For those who want even more information before they go, there are plenty of books available that cover everything from budgeting to packing lists. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email at or leave a comment below!